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The Purposeful Repertoire Consortium 2023
Abstract Painting

Piece #1: "SLOW" Piece

(In progress Perusal Score)









  • ca. 4.5 minutes


  • Working title of Light Descending


  • ​Clear melodic material! (many comments about the lack of melody in works of this genre)


  • Fresh, modern harmonies but with emphasis on triads so musicians can more quickly "wrap their ears around the piece"


  • Less "taxing" (but still active) high brass parts to allow rest for more demanding pieces later in concert


  • Oboe part that can be eliminated, but a split part provided to avoid dreaded unison oboe for those lucky enough to have multiple


  • Thoughtful cues and doubling throughout to cover missing parts or help your weaker sections


  • More active lines in all parts (to prevent the all too common whole-note tuba part)


  • Mallet percussion parts are repetitive enough for students to learn quickly.


  • All percussion parts easily doubled/ tripled to keep "extra" percussionists busy. Some parts easily eliminated for those with a percussionist shortage.


  • Expected to be completed by August/September to be available for Fall '23 programming.


Piece #2: "FAST" Piece

  • ca. 2.5 minutes (+/- 30")


  • Energetic throughout


  • Large sections of instruments/ less exposed playing throughout 


  • Active and easily doubled percussion parts​​


  • Expected completion date of December 15, 2023 or earlier


  • That's it so far! Some general examples of writing in this style are linked below:


Meaning in the Echoes 

(2022 NBA/ Revelli Prize Finalist)



Wind in the Aspens


To Sacred Summits


Gradients (orchestra)

(2022 3rd Place American Prize)




Grey Limbo

Overall Consortium Guidelines

  • Both pieces in the Grade 3-4 range


  • Both pieces orchestrated with the goal of sounding strong on the first read-through with enough musical substance to fill longer rehearsal schedules


  • Can be performed together or separately (similar to how Grainger's Irish Tune and Shepherd's Hey are often programmed)


  • Both pieces are short and come together fairly quickly to "plug in" to programming gaps


  • Consortium members and advisors are primarily directors of the"second/third" ensembles at the college level, smaller colleges, and/or frequently work with honor bands





  • Consortium members names will appear on the inside of the score with their institution name


  • This consortium will be advertised as a collaboration with directors who are intimately familiar with this level of music and have collaborated to create purposeful repertoire in this genre


  • Score and parts will be delivered as soon as they are completed (no later than December 15, 2023). Piece #1 is on pace to be complete by August/ September, to allow for possible programming in Fall '23 for consortium members


  • Consortium members were divided on exclusivity versus allowing immediate access to ensembles (especially public schools). As a compromise, each piece will be available for performance to non-consortium members 3 months after the first delivery to members. This increases the likelihood for the possibility of regional premieres for consortium members who expressed interest.


  • Payment is final with no refunds.


  • Payment is recommended by August 31, 2023, however, in order to allow for flexibility in budgets and different fiscal years:


  • Piece #1 will not be delivered before August 31. Payment before August 31 guarantees your name in every version of this score. If you pay after Aug. 31, your name will be added to your copy and any future editions.


  • The consortium will close on December 15, 2023.  Scores will be delivered or may be picked up at the Kevin Poelking/ James M. David booth at the Midwest Clinic.


  • I am happy to join you and your students for any rehearsals/ performances (virtually or physically if feasible). Included in the price is up to 60 minutes of a virtual rehearsal or time for feedback. This project is about connecting the band community so please reach out!

Step 1 of 2
Consortium Member Information

Thanks! Continue to payment below

Step 2 of 2
Option #1
Pay immediately online using the buttons below or...
Payment indicates that you have read and understand the "Overall Consortium Guidelines" outlined above.

Join Consortium for BOTH WORKS



(Click the button to choose your delivery method and if you would like additional scores)

Join Consortium for "Slow" Work Only​


(Click the button to choose your delivery method and if you would like additional scores)

Join Consortium for "Fast" Work Only​


(Click the button to choose your delivery method and if you would like additional scores)

Option #2
Request Invoice and/or W9

(No need to do this section if you purchased via the "Join" button above.)

Thanks! I'll let you know when I get this.Email me if you need anything!

Kevin Poelking

Unique, thoughtful, and meticulously crafted, Kevin Poelking’s  work is quickly emerging in the world of modern music. Always mindful of contributing purposefully to the repertoire, Poelking considers the experience of audience members, musicians, and conductors from the outset of his creative process.


Within the first three years of his professional career as a composer, he was named a winner or top finalist in several competitions including The NBA/ William D. Revelli Memorial Composition Contest, The American Prize, The Reno Pops Composer's Showcase, and The Minot Symphony Orchestra Young Composer’s Competition.


Poelking receives regular commissions and performances in his home state of Colorado and beyond. He has received world premieres from The Dallas Winds, the Stratus Chamber Orchestra, and the Montgomery Philharmonic. His music has been performed at the Royal Danish Academy of Music, the University of Michigan, and other academic and professional venues throughout the United States, Europe, and Australia.


An accomplished conductor, Poelking received a Master of Music degree with Dr. Rebecca Phillips, and was invited to conduct the United States Army Band "Pershing's Own" in 2019.


His composition teachers include award-winning composer Dr. James M. David and Pulitzer Prize-Nominated composer Dr. Carter Pann.


Poelking currently serves on the music faculty at Colorado State University and works as Composer-in-Residence for the Greater Boulder Youth Orchestras.

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